You’ve been told your child has Autism Spectrum Disorder. In that overwhelming, painful moment, what do you do? Twenty-plus years ago I answered that question with a simple, five-word response: “I don’t have a clue.”

Gradually, arduously, sometimes heartbreakingly through the years, I’ve learned much about autism. How to manage the challenges. How to cope with the hardships. How to celebrate the differences. Firsthand. As only a mother can.

A Nontraditional Strategy

Support for autistic individuals has been traditionally provided from a medical/psychological perspective. While we value many of these “white lab coat” approaches, Autism Resource Mom hails from a different place-the trenches. Our programs and services, designed to benefit parents, caregivers and individuals on the spectrum, are built on a solid foundation of personal experience, by a staff that has raised and lived with a neurodivergent individual.

So each of our programs, social events, workshop and outreach initiatives, developed and delivered by parents, targets specific, crucial ongoing needs-with creative, focused, knowing approaches to socialization, behaviors, independent living, health, education and finance that help families assist their kids in successfully navigating life’s challenges.

Targeting Crucial, Ongoing Needs

Our mission is to let families know that they’re not alone. That there are pathways to success. That autistic individuals can be empowered to live independently. So that those with autism can be embraced for their gifts rather than ostracized for their deficits. That’s the difference we’re making every day.

Debora L. Smith,
Founder/Executive Director
Autism Resource Mom